Career Services | The Sims 4

Struggling Sims Can Now Get a Helping Hand!
Ever feel lost when it comes to your Sims' careers? Wish they had more options and a smoother path to success? Well, adeepindigo's Career Services mod is here to be your Sims' personal career fairy godparent!

Finding the Perfect Job Just Got Easier!
Forget endless job hunting with no leads. This mod lets your Sims actively search for jobs through their phone, computer, or even a career center. They can browse listings, submit applications, and even score interviews! But that's not all. Feeling unsure about their path? A friendly career counselor can offer advice, help them build a killer resume, and prep them for interviews like a champ.

Networking Like a Pro!
Making connections is key in any career, and your Sims won't be left out! The mod introduces job fairs and networking events where they can rub elbows with potential employers, explore different career options, and make valuable connections that could land them their dream job.

Life Happens: Dealing with Unemployment
Sometimes things don't go according to plan, and that's okay! Just like in real life, if your Sim gets laid off, they can apply for unemployment benefits to help them stay afloat while they search for their next big opportunity.

Level Up Your Skills!
Want your Sims to be top performers? The mod offers workshops and classes that can sharpen their interview skills, public speaking talents, and job-specific knowledge. These sessions will make your Sims stand out from the crowd and climb the career ladder in no time!

Get Rewarded for Your Hard Work!
Gone are the days of generic performance reviews. This mod makes feedback detailed and impactful, influencing your Sim's chances of promotion and overall job satisfaction. They'll feel appreciated and motivated to keep pushing forward.

Negotiate Like a Boss!
Multiple job offers? Now that's a good problem to have! The mod lets your Sims negotiate salaries and benefits, giving them more control over their careers. It's all about finding the perfect fit and feeling valued by their future employer.

Works Seamlessly with Your Game
The Career Services mod plays nicely with others! It's compatible with the base game and most expansions, integrating smoothly without causing conflicts. Plus, the creator keeps it updated with the latest patches and expansions, so you can rest assured it will always work its magic.

Base Game

Here's How To Properly Install Mods 


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