Light And Shader Fix for EA Cabinets | The Sims 4

This mod fixes the lighting issue with EA Cabinets to improve the visual quality and consistency of the cabinets, ensuring they look better and more realistic under various lighting conditions.


Improved Lighting:
  • Adjusts the lighting on EA cabinets to eliminate issues such as unnatural shadows, overly bright surfaces, or inconsistent lighting across different cabinet pieces.
  • Ensures that cabinets look more visually appealing in various lighting conditions within the game.
Shader Corrections:
  • Fixes shader issues that can cause cabinets to appear with unrealistic or unappealing textures.
  • Ensures that the materials and finishes of the cabinets look more natural and cohesive with the rest of the kitchen or room design.
Consistency Across Cabinet Pieces:
  • Provides a uniform look across different cabinet pieces, ensuring that upper and lower cabinets, as well as different styles and sizes, have consistent lighting and shading.
  • Helps in creating a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing kitchen or room setup.
Compatibility with Base Game and Expansions:
  • Designed to work with the base game cabinets as well as those introduced in various expansions and packs.
  • Ensures broad compatibility and improves the visual quality of a wide range of cabinet options available in the game.
No Impact on Gameplay:
  • Focuses solely on visual improvements without altering any gameplay mechanics or functionality of the cabinets.
  • Allows players to enjoy better visuals without worrying about changes to game performance or behavior.

Base Game
All EPs, GPs, SP, Kits

Here's How To Properly Install Mods 


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